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講演日 主催(場所) 講演内容
2003. 10 第33回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会・シンポジウム(旭川) 認知脳科学における臨床神経生理学の意義
2004. 11 第34回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会・シンポジウム(東京) 運動視および顔認知関連誘発電位
2006. 05 第45回日本生体医工学会大会・スペシャルセッション(福岡) 統合的アプローチによる運動視の脳内基盤の解明
2006. 07 第11回認知神経科学会学術集会・シンポジウム(東京) 音楽表出に関する機能的脳画像研究
2009. 11 第46回日本臨床神経生理学会技術講習会(北九州) 視覚誘発電位(VEP)の基礎
2009. 12 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia・招待講演(岡山) Motion perception in cognitive disorders
2010. 05 BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk 2010・シンポジウム(シンガポール) Visual agnosia and cerebral akinetopsia
2011. 06 14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology・シンポジウム(ローマ) A deficit of dorsal stream function in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment
2012. 07 2012 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(神戸) A deficit of dorsal stream function in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
2013. 07 第18回認知神経科学会学術集会・シンポジウム(東京) ADバイオマーカー:電気生理学
2014. 06 2014 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(台湾) Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: use of evoked potentials to multimodal visual stimuli
2014. 06 2014 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(台湾) Neural development of voice and linguistic processing in preschool children: A NIRS study
2014. 11 第44回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会・シンポジウム(福岡) 視空間認知障害の基礎と臨床
2016. 06 高齢者の健康教室(福岡) 認知症の早期診断の意義
2017. 11 2017 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(China) Altered visual perception in autism spectrum disorder.
2018. 03 難病相談従事者等研修(福岡) 神経難病について~神経難病とは
2019. 07 広島大学大学院特別講義(広島) Neural basis of altered visual perception in autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer’s disease.
2019. 09 2019 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(Germany) Altered oscillatory V1 activity to motion perception in patients with mild cognitive impairment: An fMRI study.
2020. 08 2020 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering・シンポジウム(高松) A new touch panel system for early detection of cognitive impairment: Use of optic flow motion.
2020. 11 第50回日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会・シンポジウム(京都) 自閉スペクトラム症はコネクトパチーである: 視覚認知の側面から
主な原著 (*corresponding author, 責任著者)
  1. Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Okayama A, Sakae N, Yamasaki T, Ohshima T, Sakamoto T, Fujii N, Kira J. Vergence disorders in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia 3/Machado-Joseph disease: a synoptophore study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 173 (2): 120-123, 2000

  2. 梶谷康介, 中川康司, 尾籠晃司, 一宮厚, 川島範子, 浦部雅美, 大八木保政, 栄信孝, 山﨑貴男, 吉良潤一, 田中信維. 九州大学医学部附属病院もの忘れ外来 (脳の健康クリニック)の現況 設立1年のまとめ. 老年精神医学雑誌 13 (9): 1063-1069, 2002.

  3. 飛松省三, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男. テレビ・コンピュータ映像による光感受性発作の発症機序の解明. 母子健康協会 第13回医学助成研究報告書 11-13, 2002.

  4. Yoshiura T, Mihara F, Tanaka A, Ogomori K, Ohyagi Y, Taniwaki T, Yamada T, Yamasaki T, Ichimiya A, Kinukawa N, Kuwabara Y, Honda H. High b value diffusion-weighted imaging is more sensitive to white matter degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage 20 (1): 413-319, 2003.

  5. 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 谷脇考恭, 飛松省三. 一次視覚野のチャネルの賦活効果を数式で予測できるか? 視覚誘発電位に対する色の組み合わせと輝度差の影響. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 102 (596): 41-44, 2003.

  6. Tobimatsu S, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tsurusawa R, Taniwaki T. Non-invasive evaluation of face and motion perception in humans. Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science 23 (6): 273-276, 2004.

  7. Yamasaki T*, Taniwaki T, Tobimatsu S, Arakawa K, Kuba H, Maeda Y, Kuwabara Y, Shida K, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Kira J. Electrophysiological correlates of associative visual agnosia lesioned in the ventral pathway. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 221 (1-2): 53-60, 2004.

  8. 山﨑貴男*, 後藤純信, 飛松省三. 時間と色の脳内情報処理過程の解析による光過敏性てんかんの発症機序. てんかん治療研究振興財団研究年報 16: 67-74, 2004.

  9. Kurokawa-Kuroda T, Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. Temporal and spectral information processing in the auditory cortex: a steady-state auditory-evoked potential study. International Congress Series 1278: 27-30, 2005.

  10. Yamasaki T*, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. Can we estimate the activating effects of visual channels in primary visual cortex by flicker VEPs? International Congress Series 1278: 73-76, 2005.

  11. Yamasaki T*, Goto Y, Taniwaki T, Kinukawa N, Kira J, Tobimatsu S. Left hemisphere specialization for rapid temporal processing: a study with auditory 40 Hz steady-state responses. Clinical Neurophysiology 116 (2): 393-400, 2005.

  12. Tobimatsu S, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tsurusawa R, Taniwaki T. An integrated approach to face and motion perception in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology S59: 43-48, 2006.

  13. Yoshiura T, Mihara F, Koga H, Ohyagi Y, Noguchi T, Togao O, Ogomori K, Miyoshi K, Yamasaki T, Kaneko K, Ichimiya A, Kanba S, Honda H. Mapping of subcortical white matter abnormality in Alzheimer’s disease using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Academic Radiology 13 (12): 1460-1464, 2006.

  14. Taniwaki T, Okayama A, Yoshiura T, Togao O, Nakamura Y, Yamasaki T, Ogata K, Shigeto H, Ohyagi Y, Kira J, Tobimatsu S. Functional network of the basal ganglia and cerebellar motor loops in vivo: Different activation patterns between self-initiated and externally triggered movements. Neuroimage 31 (2): 745-753, 2006.

  15. Taniwaki T, Okayama A, Yoshiura T, Togao O, Nakamura A, Yamasaki T, Ogata K, Shigeto H, Ohyagi Y, Kira J, Tobimatsu S. Age-related alterations of the functional interactions within the basal ganglia and cerebellar motor loops in vivo. Neuroimage 36 (4): 1263-1276, 2007.

  16. Tashiro K, Ogata K, Yamasaki T, Kuroda T, Goto Y, Munetsuna S, Kinukawa N, Kira J, Tobimatsu S. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation alters optic flow perception. Neuroreport 18 (3): 229-233, 2007.

  17. Xu M, Takata H, Ge S, Hayami T, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Iramina K. NIRS measurement of hemodynamic evoked responses in the primary sensorimotor cortex. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2007: 2492-2495, 2007.

  18. Tobimatsu S, Yamada E, Yamasaki T, Ogata K. How to record and measure responses of brain to pleasant and unpleasant visual stimuli. The 2nd International Symposium on Design of Artificial Environments: 46-47, 2007.

  19. Nakashima T, Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Kaneko K, Tobimatsu S. Effects of spatial frequency on recognition of facial expressions: An ERP study. The 2nd International Symposium on Design of Artificial Environments: 284-285, 2007.

  20. Ogata K, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Modulation of intracortical inhibition and facilitation of motor cortex through transcranial direct current stimulation. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference in Complex Medical Engineering: 2000-2003, 2007.

  21. Xu M, Takata H, Ge S, Hayami T, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Iramina K. NIRS measurement of hemodynamic evoked responses in the primary somatosensory cortex by finger stimulation. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 1425-1429, 2007.

  22. 吉良潤一, 大八木保政, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 運動視刺激による視機能評価: 1.健常者での検討. 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (難治性疾患克服研究事業)スモンに関する調査研究班 平成18年度総括・分担研究報告書 92-94, 2007.

  23. Yamasaki T*, Goto Y, Kinukawa N, Tobimatsu S. Neural basis of photo/chromatic sensitivity in adolescence. Epilepsia 49 (9): 1611-1618, 2008.

  24. 三好克枝, 大八木保政, 山﨑貴男, 姫野恵理, 櫻井修, 佐々木健介, 門司晃, 一宮厚, 神庭重信, 吉良潤一. 九州大学病院における神経内科・精神科共同のもの忘れ外来 6年間の診療の検討. 神経治療学 25 (5): 597-603, 2008.

  25. 後藤純信, 桐本光, 田原弘幸, 山﨑貴男. より豊かな生活に貢献する医療技術に関する研究 直流電流刺激による一過性脳機能調節法を用いたヒトの視覚系と前庭・小脳系の機能連関の解明:失調患者に対する新たなリハビリテーション手法の開発に向けた基礎研究. 医科学応用研究財団研究報告 25: 67-71, 2008.

  26. 吉良潤一, 重藤寛史, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 運動視刺激による視機能評価: 2.スモン患者での検討. 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (難治性疾患克服研究事業)スモンに関する調査研究班 平成19年度総括・分担研究報告書 73-75, 2008.

  27. Ogata K, Okamoto T, Yamasaki T, Shigeto H, Tobimatsu S. Pre-movement gating of somatosensory-evoked potentials by self-initiated movements: the effects of ageing and its implication. Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (6): 1143-1148, 2009.

  28. Yamasaki T*. Motion perception in cognitive disorders. 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia: 58-59, 2009.

  29. Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Innovation for visual stimuli: From the retina to primary visual cortex. 2010 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 142-145, 2010.

  30. Fujita T, Yamasaki T*, Kamio Y, Hirose S, Tobimatsu S. Parvocellular pathway impairment in autism spectrum disorder: evidence from visual evoked potentials. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (1): 277-285, 2011.

  31. Yamasaki T*, Fujita T, Ogata K, Goto Y, Munetsuna S, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Electrophysiological evidence for selective impairment of optic flow perception in autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (1): 400-407, 2011.

  32. Goto K, Sugi T, Goto S, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Topography estimation of visual evoked potential by combinational use of mathematical models. 2011 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 205-210, 2011.

  33. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三, 中村政俊. 正弦波パターンと矩形波パターンの2種類の刺激パターンによる視覚誘発電位の定量解析.臨床神経生理学 39 (1): 10-17, 2011.

  34. Horie S, Yamasaki T*, Okamoto T, Nakashima T, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Differential roles of spatial frequency on reading processes for ideograms and phonograms: a high-density ERP study. Neuroscience Research 72 (1): 68-78, 2012. (selected for Cover art)

  35. Yamasaki T*, Goto Y, Ohyagi Y, Monji A, Munetsuna S, Minohara M, Minohara K, Kira JI, Kanba S, Tobimatsu S. Selective impairment of optic flow perception in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: evidence from event-related potentials. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 28 (3): 695-708, 2012.

  36. Horie S, Yamasaki T*, Okamoto T, Kan S, Ogata K, Miyauchi S, Tobimatsu S. Distinct role of spatial frequency in dissociative reading of ideograms and phonograms: An fMRI study. Neuroimage 63 (2): 979-988, 2012.

  37. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 視覚誘発電位記録状態の実時間評価システム. 生体医工学 50 (5): 433-442, 2012.

  38. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 脳波モデルを用いた視覚誘発電位と後頭部優位律動の振幅推定. 生体医工学 50 (6): 599-605, 2012.

  39. Yamasaki T*, Goto Y, Ohyagi Y, Monji A, Munetsuna S, Minohara M, Minohara K, Kira JI, Kanba S, Tobimatsu S. A deficit of dorsal stream function in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. 2012 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 28-31, 2012.

  40. Goto K, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Fukuda H, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Real-time evaluation system for accurate VEP recording and analysis. 2012 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering: 429-434, 2012.

  41. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 等輝度色フリッカー刺激を用いた視覚誘発電位の定量解析-正弦波パターンと矩形波パターンによる反応性の相違-. 臨床神経生理学 41 (1): 1-6, 2013.

  42. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 視覚誘発電位頭皮上分布推定のための数式モデルを用いた成分分離. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 112 (417): 1-6, 2013.

  43. Fujita T, Kamio Y, Yamasaki T*, Yasumoto S, Hirose S, Tobimatsu S. Altered automatic face processing in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders: evidence from visual evoked potentials. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7 (6): 710-720, 2013.

  44. Maekawa T, Katsuki S, Kishimoto J, Onitsuka T, Ogata K, Yamasaki T, Ueno T, Tobimatsu S, Kanba S. Altered visual information processing systems in bipolar disorder: evidence from visual MMN and P3. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 403, 2013.

  45. Sueyoshi Y, Goto K, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Fukuda H, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Physiological state evaluation of VEP recording by combination of image and EEG. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2013: 3078, 2013.

  46. Goto K, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Fukuda H, Goto Y,Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Analysis of visual evoked potentials for different stimuli: effects of color combination and patterns. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2013: 3012, 2013.

  47. Yamasaki T*, Ogata K, Maekawa T, Ijichi I, Katagiri M, Mitsudo T, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Rapid maturation of voice and linguistic processing systems in preschool children: a near-infrared spectroscopic study. Experimental Neurology 250: 313-320, 2013. (Selected by the editor as a newsworthy article to be highlighted with an invited commentary; Featured article on www.MDLinx.com)

  48. Goto K, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Fukuda H, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Characteristic analysis of visual evoked potentials and posterior dominant rhythm by use of EEG model. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems: 233-236, 2013.

  49. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 脳波モデルを用いた視覚誘発電位の振幅推定と特徴解析. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 113 (409): 57-60, 2014.

  50. Uehara T,Yamasaki T, Okamoto T, Koike T, Kan S, Miyauchi S, Kira JI, Tobimatsu S. Efficiency of a “small-world” brain network depends on consciousness level: a resting-state fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex 24 (6): 1529-1539, 2014.

  51. 山﨑貴男*, 前川敏彦, 宮永幸佳, 飛松省三. 自閉症スペクトラムにおける視覚「ブロッブ障害仮説」の脳内基盤の検証:事象関連電位を用いた研究. 発達研究 28: 181-188, 2014.

  52. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 視覚誘発電位解析のための脳波頭皮上分布特徴の描出. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 114 (408): 25-28, 2015.

  53. 飛永賢人, 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 松田吉隆, 後藤聡, 福田裕樹, 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三.脳波モデルを用いた安静時と視覚刺激時における後頭部優位律動の特徴解析. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 114 (408): 35-38, 2015.

  54. Yamada E, Ogata K, Kishimoto J, Tanaka M, Urakawa T, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Neural substrates of species-dependent visual processing of faces: Use of morphed faces. Physiological Reports 3 (5): e12387, 2015.

  55. 山﨑貴男*, 前川敏彦, 宮永幸佳, 高橋憲二, 高宮尚美, 飛松省三. 自閉症スペクトラムにおける視覚ブロッブ・インターブロッブ系の機能変化:事象関連電位を用いた研究. 発達研究 29: 119-125, 2015.

  56. Yamasaki T*, Horie S, Ohyagi Y, Tanaka E, Nakamura N, Goto Y, Kanba S, Kira JI, Tobimatsu S. A potential VEP biomarker for mild cognitive impairment: evidence from selective visual deficit of higher-level dorsal pathway. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 53 (2): 661-676, 2016.

  57. Nagaike A, Mitsudo T, Nakajima Y, Ogata K, Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. ‘Time-shrinking perception’ in the visual system: A psychophysical and high-density ERP study. Experimental Brain Research 234 (11): 3279-3290, 2016.

  58. Yamasaki T*, Maekawa T, Miyanaga Y, Takahashi K, Takamiya N, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Enhanced fine-form perception does not contribute to gestalt face perception in autism spectrum disorder. PLOS ONE, in press.

  59. Maekawa T, Souda S, Oyakawa K, Tanaka M, Yamasaki T. Resilience in the first episode major depressive disorder. Open Journal of Medical Psychology 6 (2): 115-125, 2017.

  60. Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Auditory hemispheric specialization depends on temporal and spectral frequencies. BAOJ Psychology 2 (4): 35, 2017.

  61. Minoda M, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Yamasaki T, Oishi A, Egashira N. Development of communication system using eye movement extraction via image processing with blink detection. Proceedings of the 49th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic System Theory and Its Applications: 182-187, 2017.

  62. Baba R, Sugi T, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Yamasaki T, Oishi A, Egashira N. Eye movement detection using EOG for communication of people with disabilities. Proceedings of the 49th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic System Theory and Its Applications: 177-181, 2017.

  63. Yamasaki T*, Maekawa T, Miyanaga Y, Takahashi K, Takamiya N, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Enhanced fine-form perception does not contribute to gestalt face perception in autism spectrum disorder. PLOS ONE 12 (2): e0170239, 2017.

  64. 山田絵美, 田中睦英, 山﨑貴男, 藤田貴子, 飛松省三. 自閉スペクトラム症におけるヒト情動視覚路のサブリミナル・プライミング効果:曖昧恐怖顔を用いた事象関連電位研究. 発達研究 32: 189-194, 2018.

  65. Oishi A, Yamasaki T, Tsuru A, Minohara M, Tobimatsu S. Decreased gray matter volume of right inferior parietal lobule is associated with severity of mental disorientation in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Neurology 9: 1086, 2018.

  66. Sugi T, Minoda M, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Egashira N, Oishi A, Yamasaki T. Development of a non-contact nurse call system by image processing of eye movement. Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 32: 16-23, 2019.

  67. 山田絵美, 田中睦英, 山﨑貴男, 藤田貴子, 中庭洋一, 飛松省三. 自閉スペクトラム症におけるヒト情動視覚路異常の神経基盤: 曖昧恐怖顔を用いたサブリミナル・プライミング手法による検討. 発達研究 33: 101-110, 2019.

  68. Yamasaki T*, Aso T, Kaseda Y, Mimori Y, Doi H, Matsuoka N, Takamiya N, Torii T, Takahashi T, Ohshita T, Yamashita H, Doi H, Inamizu S, Chatani H, Tobimatsu S. Decreased stimulus-driven connectivity of the primary visual cortex during visual motion stimulation in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: An fMRI study. Neuroscience Letters 711: 134402, 2019.

  69. Goto K, Sugi T, Fukuda H, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Goto Y. The effect of stimulus pattern, color combination and flicker frequency on steady-state visual evoked potentials topography. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 15 (4): 1521-1530, 2019.

  70. 後藤和彦, 杉剛直, 池田拓郎, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三, 後藤純信. 運動知覚への両眼視差刺激の影響:視覚誘発電位を用いた検討.臨床神経生理学 47 (6): 509-518, 2019.

  71. Sugi T, Baba R, Matsuda Y, Goto S, Egashira N, Oishi A, Yamasaki T. A communication aid system by feature extraction of electrooculographic signals. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 31 (6): 1950048, 2019.

  72. Takamiya N, Maekawa T, Yamasaki T, Ogata K, Yamada E, Tanaka M, Tobimatsu S. Different hemispheric specialization for face/word recognition: A high-density ERP study with hemifield visual stimulation. Brain and Behavior 10 (6): e01649, 2020.

症例報告 (*corresponding author, 責任著者)
  1. 山﨑貴男*, 谷脇考恭, 菊池仁志, 荒木栄一, 荒川健次, 岩城徹, 山田猛, 吉良潤一. 先天性非進行性小脳性運動失調症, 網膜色素変性症, 筋線維型不均等, 高CK血症を呈した1例. 臨床神経学 39 (9): 925-929, 1999.

  2. Taniwaki Y, Hara H, Doh-Ura K, Murakami I, Tashiro H, Yamasaki T, Shigeto H, Arakawa K, Araki E, Yamada T, Iwaki T, Kira J. Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with D178N-129M mutation of PRNP processing as cerebellar ataxia without insomnia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 68 (3): 388, 2000.

  3. 山﨑貴男*, 谷脇考恭, 荒木栄一, 荒川健次, 山田猛, 吉良潤一. 糖尿病性多発ニューロパチーに両側変形性肘関節症による両側尺骨神経麻痺を合併した1例. 臨床神経学 40 (1): 14-18, 2000.

  4. 山﨑貴男*, 谷脇考恭, 荒川健次, 山田猛, 吉良潤一. 慢性進行性の小脳性運動失調症を主徴とした神経Behçet病の1例. 臨床神経学 40 (3): 233-236, 2000.

  5. 山﨑貴男*, 椎裕章, 吉良潤一. 急性中毒症状が明らかでなく初期診断が困難であった間欠型一酸化炭素中毒の1例: 急性発症性認知症の鑑別診断. 認知神経科学 14 (3): 193-198, 2012.

総説 (*corresponding author, 責任著者)
  1. 飛松省三, 山﨑貴男. 電気生理学的手法(EEG, MEG)による高次脳機能障害の診断. BIO Clinica 17 (6): 509-513, 2002.

  2. 山﨑貴男*, 杉下守弘. 嗅脳の解剖. 認知神経科学 4 (1): 135-141, 2002.

  3. 道願慎次郎, 山﨑貴男, 杉下守弘. 前頭葉の脳溝と脳回. 認知神経科学 4 (2): 196-203, 2002.

  4. 山﨑貴男*, 杉下守弘. 前頭葉底部の脳溝の脳回. 認知神経科学 5 (1): 28-33, 2003.

  5. 山﨑貴男*, 飛松省三. 視覚系高次脳機能の脳波と脳磁図. 臨床脳波 45 (6): 345-350, 2003.

  6. 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. ヒトの早期感覚情報処理における半球間機能連関: コヒーレンス解析法の有用性. 臨床神経生理学 33 (1): 13-20, 2005.

  7. 山﨑貴男*, 吉川宏起, 飛松省三, 杉下守弘. 音楽表出の機能的脳画像. 認知神経科学 8 (3): 180-183, 2006.

  8. 山﨑貴男*, 後藤純信, 飛松省三. 運動視および顔認知関連誘発電位. 臨床脳波 48 (7): 413-418, 2006.

  9. 藤田貴子, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 自閉症スペクトラムにおける視空間認知障害. 心理学評論 50 (1): 46-53, 2007.

  10. 藤田貴子, 山﨑貴男, 神尾陽子, 飛松省三. 自閉症スペクトラムにおける視機能評価 視覚誘発電位を用いた検討. 認知神経科学 9 (3):257-261, 2007.

  11. 山﨑貴男*, 藤田貴子, 神尾陽子, 飛松省三. 自閉症スペクトラムにおける運動認知機構. 臨床脳波 51 (8): 463-469, 2009.

  12. 後藤純信, 山﨑貴男, 飛松省三. 視覚刺激のイノベーション. 臨床脳波 51 (12): 713-720, 2009.

  13. 後藤純信, 吉田健, 山﨑貴男, 中山広宣. 視覚認知とその障害 半側空間無視の病態生理. 認知神経科学 13 (1): 71-78, 2011.

  14. Yamasaki T*, Muranaka H, Kaseda Y, Mimori Y, Tobimatsu S. Understanding the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: A mini review on fMRI and ERP studies. Neurology Research International 2012: 719056, 2012.

  15. Yamasaki T*, Horie S, Muranaka H, Kaseda Y, Mimori Y, Tobimatsu S. Relevance of in vivo neurophysiological biomarkers for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 31 (S3): S137-154, 2012.

  16. 山﨑貴男*, 飛松省三. アルツハイマー病の早期診断バイオマーカーを探る. 福岡医学雑誌 103 (11): 215-224, 2012.

  17. Yamasaki T*, Fujita T, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Electrophysiological assessment of visual function in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering 1 (1): 5-12, 2013.

  18. 山﨑貴男*,飛松省三. ADバイオマーカー: 電気生理学. 認知神経科学 15 (3): 193-198, 2014.

  19. Yamasaki T*, Tobimatsu S. Electrophysiological biomarkers for improved etiological diagnosis of cognitive impairment. Current Biomarker Findings 4: 69-79, 2014.

  20. 山﨑貴男*,飛松省三. コヒーレント運動課題を用いた運動視機能評価. 神経内科 83 (1): 9-16, 2015.

  21. Yamasaki T*, Maekawa T, Fujita T, Tobimatsu S. Connectopathy in autism spectrum disorders: A review of evidence from visual evoked potentials and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11: 627, 2017.

  22. Yamasaki T*, Tobimatsu S. Driving ability in Alzheimer disease spectrum: neural basis, assessment, and potential use of optic flow event-related potentials. Frontiers in Neurology 9: 750, 2018.

  23. Yamasaki T*. Use of VEPs as electrodiagnostic biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience 9: 3-9,2021.

著書 (*corresponding author, 責任著者)
1. 杉下守弘, 山﨑貴男. 大脳高次機能障害. 失認. 豊倉康夫 総編, 神経内科学書 第2版, 79-87, 東京: 朝倉出版, 2004
2. Tobimatsu S, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Nakashima T, Tomoda Y, Mitsudome A. Visual ERPs and cortical function. In: Ikeda A, Inoue Y, Eds. Progress in Epileptic disorders, Volume 5, Event-related potentials in patients with epilepsy: from current state to future prospects. Paris: Libbey Eurotext, 37-48, 2008.
3. Yamasaki T*, Tobimatsu S. Motion perception in healthy humans and cognitive disorders. In: Wu J, Ed. Early detection and rehabilitation technologies for dementia: Neuroscience and biomedical applications. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 156-161, 2011.
4. Yamasaki T*, Fujita T, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Motion perception in autism spectrum disorder. In: Columbus AM, Ed. Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 82, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 197-211, 2011.
5. Yamasaki T*, Tobimatsu S. Electrophysiological assessment of the human visual system. In: Harris JM, Scott J, Eds. Neuroscience Research Progress, Visual cortex: Anatomy, functions and injuries, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 37-67, 2012.
6. Sugi T, Goto K, Goto S, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S. Topography estimation of visual evoked potentials using a combination of mathematical models. In: Wu J, Ed. Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 129-141, 2013.
7. Yamasaki T*, Maekawa T, Takahashi H, Fujita T, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Electrophysiology of visual and auditory perception in autism spectrum disorders. In: Patel VB, Martin CR, Preedy VR, Eds. The Comprehensive Guide to Autism, New York: Springer Press, 791-808, 2014.
8. Yamasaki T*, Fujita T, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Motion perception in autism spectrum disorder. In: Wodarth NE, Ferguson AP, Eds. Psychology Research Summaries, Volume 1, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 321-322, 2015.
9. Yamasaki T*, Inamizu S, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. Visual System: Clinical Applications. In: Tobimatsu S, Kakigi R, Eds. Clinical Applications of Magnetoencephalography, Tokyo: Springer Japan KK, 145-159, 2016.
10. 山﨑貴男*, 飛松省三. 軽度認知障害の電気生理学的早期診断バイオマーカーの開発と有用性評価. 疾患・病態検査・診断法の開発, 229-239, 東京: 技術情報協会, 2017.
11. 山﨑貴男*, 飛松省三. 軽度認知障害の神経画像と電気生理学的早期診断バイオマーカー. 認知症の早期診断技術と進行抑制/予防薬・機能性食品の開発, 53-64, 東京: 技術情報協会, 2019.
12. 後藤純信, 佐々木一朗, 佐々木達也, 飛松省三, 安原昭博, 山﨑貴男, 視覚誘発電位. 日本臨床神経生理学会 編集, 誘発電位測定マニュアル2019. 東京: 診断と治療社, 2019.
  1. Invited Lecturer Award: 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia, 2009年

  2. Young Investigator Award: 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010年

  3. 平成25年度発達科学研究教育奨励賞: 発達科学研究教育センター, 2013年

その他の論文 (*corresponding author, 責任著者)
  1. Taniwaki T, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Kira J. Neuropsychological assessment in neurology. Neuroscience Research 46 (s1): S12, 2003.

  2. Tashiro K, Yamasaki T, Kuroda T, Ogata K, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. Effect of low-frequency rTMS on coherent motion perception in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 118 (9): e197, 2007.

  3. Nagaike A, Mitsudo T, Nakajima Y, Ogata K, Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Tobimatsu S. A study on “temporal assimilation” in the visual modality. Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (5): e171, 2009.

  4. Horie S, Yamasaki T, Okamoto T, Nakashima T, Ogata K, Miyauchi S, Tobimatsu S. Neural mechanisms of reading Japanese Kanji and Kana words: An fMRI study. Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (5): e160, 2009.

  5. Horie S, Yamasaki T, Somehara Y, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Neural substrates of reading Kanji and Kana words: A magnetoencephalographic study. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (7): e23, 2010.

  6. Yamasaki T*, Ijichi I, Katagiri M, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. A NIRS study on the neural mechanism of voice recognition in preschool children. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (7): e23, 2010.

  7. Fujita T, Kamio Y, Yamasaki T, Yasumoto S, Hirose S, Tobimatsu S. Neural basis of abnormal face perception at a preattentive level in autism spectrum disorders. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (S1): S265-S266, 2010.

  8. Horie S, Yamasaki T, Hironaga N, Okamoto T, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Differential effects of spatial frequency on the processing of Japanese Kanji and Kana: An MEG analysis. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (S1): S153, 2010.

  9. Goto K, Sugi T, Goto Y, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Nakamura M. Quantitative analysis of VEP on difference between sinusoidal pattern and rectangular pattern. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (S1): S101-S102, 2010.

  10. Yamasaki T*, Ogata K, Ijichi I, Katagiri M, Kamio Y, Tobimatsu S. Neural basis of familiar voice recognition in preschool children: A near-infrared spectroscopic study. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (S1): S147, 2010.

  11. Yamasaki T*, Horie S, Ogata K, Tobimatsu S. Aging of the parallel visual pathways in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (S1): S107, 2010.

  12. Yamasaki T*, Horie S, Himeno E, Nakamura N, Ohyagi Y, Kira JI, Tobimatsu S. A deficit of dorsal stream function in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Clinical Neurophysiology 122 (S1): S20, 2011.

  13. Yamasaki T*, Muranaka H, Kaseda Y, Mimori Y, Torii T, Ohshita T, Matsumoto M, Tobimatsu S. Altered motion perception in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: An fMRI study. Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (8): e37, 2013.

  14. Yamasaki T*, Horie S, Tanaka E, Nakamura N, Ohyagi Y, Kanba S, Kira JI, Tobimatsu S. Higher level but not lower level parallel visual pathways are functionally altered in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (S1): S66, 2014.

  15. Yamada E, Yamasaki T, Tanaka M, Tobimatsu S. Altered visual perception in autism spectrum disorder: From V1 to emotional pathway. Clinical Neurophysiology 130 (10): e190, 2019.

  16. Goto Y, Tobimatsu S, Yamasaki T, Sasaki I, Sasaki T, Yasuhara A. Visual evoked potentials: New guidelines. Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (10): e253, 2020.

  17. Goto K, Sugi T, Ikeda T, Yamasaki T, Tobimatsu S, Goto Y. Analysis of visual evoked potentials for random-dot stereogram: Influence of disparity gradient. Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (10): e258-e259, 2020.
