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講演日 主催/場所 講演内容
2015年1月24日 新宮町文化協会
「明日もいきいき♪60の手習いのススメ〜文化の力で 認知症を予防しよう!〜」
2015年5月17日 篠栗町文化協会
2015年9月29日 糟屋郡老人クラブ連合会
平成27年度 糟屋郡老人クラブ連合会 第18回 幹部研修会
2016年12月1日 飯塚市教育委員会
コスモス大学大学祭 記念講演
「続けよう!あたまの活性化♪ ~文化の力で認知症予防~」
2017年2月17日 粕屋町老人クラブ連合会
平成28年度 第3回高齢者学級(勉強会)
「続けよう!あたまの活性化♪ ~文化の力で認知症予防~」
2017年12月1日 飯塚市教育委員会
コスモス大学大学祭 記念講演
「続けよう!あたまの活性化♪ ~文化の力で認知症予防~」
2018年2月15日 篠栗町老人クラブ
第6回友愛のど自慢大会 ミニ講演
2018年3月31日 シャイニング ハート しめ
健康セミナー 講演
あしたも笑顔でいたいから ~趣味を活かし認知症予防を~」
2018年12月16日 公益社団法人
第5回 医師たちによる
クリスマス・チャリティコンサート 出演・演奏
2019年8月28日 篠栗町老人クラブ
第8回友愛のど自慢大会 ミニ講演
2020年12月7日 粕屋医師会
令和2年度 粕屋医師会
2021年4月17日 新宮町文化協会
2022年3月26日 玄海義塾
2022年7月21日 古賀市シニアクラブ連合会
2022年7月31日 古賀市スポーツ協会
2022年9月9日 粕屋町商工会 女性部
2023年2月12日 志免町文化協会
2023年7月20日 粕屋町シニアクラブ連合会
「認知症を知ろう ~頭と身体の健康のために~」
2023年8月24日 篠栗町シニアクラブ連合会
友愛のど自慢大会 ミニ講演
2023年11月9日 久山町商工会
2023年11月21日 福岡地区老人クラブ連合会
2024年2月20日 太宰府市長寿クラブ連合会
2024年3月5日 福津市シニアクラブ連合会
Yamasaki K, Horiuchi I, Minohara M, Kawano Y, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Mihara F, Ito H, Nishimura Y, Kira J: HLA-DPB1*0501-associated opticospinal multiple sclerosis: clinical, neuroimaging and immunogenetic studies. Brain 122 (Pt9): 1689-96, 1999
Yamasaki K, Horiuchi I, Minohara M, Osoegawa M, Kawano Y, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Kira J: Hyperprolactinemia in optico-spinal multiple sclerosis. Intern Med 39 (4): 296-9, 2000
Yamada T, Minohara M, Imaiso Y, Sakae N, Hara H, Tanaka K, YamamotoT, Furuya H, Kira J: High-dese vitamin C therapy for inclusion body myositis. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi 92 (4): 99-104, 2001
Minohara M, Ochi H, Matsushita S, Irie A, Nishimura Y, Kira J: Differences between T-cell reactivities to major myelin protein-derived peptides in opticospinal and conventional forms of multiple sclerosis and healthy controls. Tissue Antigens 57 (5): 447-56, 2001
Osoegawa M, Ochi H, Minohara M, Murai H, Umehara F, Furuya H, Yamada T, Kira J: Myelitis with atopic diathesis: a nationwide survey of 79 cases in Japan. J Neurol Sci 209 (1-2): 5-11, 2003
Yokomine K, Makatsura T, Minohara M, Kira J, Kubo T, Sasaki Y Nishimura Y: Immunization with heat shock protein 105-pulsed dendritic cells leads to tumor rejection in mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 343 (1): 269-78, 2006
Ishizu T, Minohara M , Ichiyama T, Kira R, Yanaka M, Osoegawa M, Hara T, Furukawa S, Kira J: CSF cytokine and chemokine profiles in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. J Neuroimmunol 175 (1-2): 52-8, 2006
Minohara M, Matsuoka T, Li W, Osoegawa M, Ishizu T, Kira J: Upragulation of myeloperoxidase in patients with opticospinal multiple sclerosis: positive correlation with disease severity. J Neuroimmunol 178 (1-2): 156-60, 2006
Sun X*, Minohara M*, Kikuchi H, Ishizu T, Tanaka M, Piao H, Osoegawa M, Ohyagi Y, Shimokawa H, Kira J (*equal contribution): The selective Rho-kinase inhibitor Fasudil is protective and therapeutic in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Neuroimmunol 180 (1-2): 126-34, 2006
10 Li W, Minohara M, Su JJ, Matsuoka T, Osoegawa M, Ishizu T, Kira J: Helicobacter pyoli infection is a potential protective factor against conventional multiple sclerosis in Japanese. J Neuroimmunol 184(1-2): 227-31, 2007
11 Hirata K, Kanemaru T, Minohara M, Togo A, Kira J: Accumulation of stress-related proteins within the glomeruli of the rat olfactory bulb following damage to olfactory receptor neurons. Arch Histol Cytol 71(4): 265-77, 2008
12 Li W*, Minohara M*, Piao H, Matsushita T, Masaki K, Matsuoka T, Osobe N, Su JJ, Ohyagi Y, Kira J (*equal contribution): Association of anti-Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein antibody response with anti-aquaporin-4 autoimmunity in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. Mult Scler 15(12): 1411-21, 2009
13 Piao H*, Minohara M*, Kawamura N, Li W, Mizunoe Y, Umehara F, Goto Y, Kusunoki S, Matsushita T, Ikenaka K, Maejima T, Nabekura J, Yamasaki R, Kira J (*equal contribution): Induction of paranodal myelin detachment and sodium channel loss in vivo by Campylobacter jejuni DNA-binding protein from starved cells (C-DPS) in myelinated nerve fibers. J Neurol Sci 288(1-2): 54-62, 2010
14 Piao H*, Minohara M*, Kawamura N, Li W, Matsushita T, Yamasaki R, Mizunoe Y, Kira J (*equal contribution): Tissue binding patterns and in vitro effects of Campylobacter jejuni DAN-binding protein from starved cells. Neurochem Res 36(1): 58-66, 2011
15 Pineda AA*, Minohara M*, Kawamura N, Matsushita T, Yamasaki R, Sun X, Piao H, Shimokawa H, Kira J (*equal contribution): Preventive and therapeutic effects of the selective Rho-kinase inhibitor fasudil on experimental autoimmune neuritis. J Neurol Sci 306(1-2): 115-20, 2011
16 Kawamura N, Piao H, Minohara M, Matsushita T, Kusunoki S, MatsumotoH, Ikenaka K, Mizunoe Y, Kira J: Campylobacter jejuni DNA-binding protein from starved cells in Guillain-Barre syndrome patients. J Neuroimmunol 15(240-241): 74-8, 2011
三野原元澄、山田猛、原英夫、田中公裕、吉良潤一:封入体筋炎における前腕屈筋群の萎縮. 神経内科 49: 80-1, 1998
三野原元澄、古谷博和、山田猛、小林卓郎、蓮尾金博:眼瞼下垂を伴い、MRIにて上眼瞼挙筋の肥厚が認められたorbital myositisの1例. 臨床神経 36 (6): 786-9, 1999
Taniwaki T, Minohara M, HaraH, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Kira J: Striatonigral degeneration with motor neuron disease. J Neurol 247 (5): 395-6, 2000
河村信利、川尻真和、大八木保政、三野原元澄、村井弘之、吉良潤一:過眠を呈した乳癌による傍腫瘍性辺縁系脳炎の1例. 臨床神経 45 (8): 575-8, 2005
福永真実、村井弘之、三野原元澄、菊池仁志、大八木保政、吉良潤一:両側淡蒼球から内包膝部にかけての限局性病変を呈し、記憶障害と遂行機能障害をきたした橋本脳症の一例. 臨床神経 46 (8): 568-71, 2006
三野原元澄、吉良潤一、西村泰治:多発性硬化症. 臨床検査 43: 1648-55, 1999
三野原元澄、吉良潤一:多発性硬化症. 生体の科学 50: 371-2, 1999
堀内泉、三野原元澄、吉良潤一:ヘルパーT-cellを脱髄疾患. 内科 88: 738-41, 2001
三野原元澄、吉良潤一:視神経脊髄型MSの疾患感受性遺伝子. 脳と神経 53 (10): 919-26, 2001
吉良潤一、三野原元澄:アジア型多発性硬化症の免疫遺伝学的背景と責任自己抗原の追求. 神経免疫学 10: 191-5, 2002
三野原元澄:多発性硬化症とHeat shock protein 105. 日本臨床 61 (8): 1317-22, 2003
三野原元澄、吉良潤一:Campylobacter jejuni感染後ギラン・バレー症候群におけるC-Dps蛋白の役割. 医学のあゆみ 226 (2): 149-51, 2008
三野原元澄、西村泰治:HLAと神経疾患. 免疫学から見た神経系と神経疾患. 吉田孝人、糸山泰人、錫村明生(編) 日本医学館 pp. 166-75, 1999
吉良潤一、三野原元澄:多発性硬化症の病像-アジア型と欧米型. 別冊・医学のあゆみ. 21世紀の神経免疫学. 田中正美、湯浅龍彦(編) 医歯薬出版 pp. 84-8, 2001
三野原元澄、吉良潤一:多発性硬化症. 神経疾患最新の治療. 小林祥泰、水澤英洋(編) 南江堂 pp. 120-4, 2006
三野原元澄、松下拓也:多発性硬化症の自己抗体. 多発性硬化症の診断と治療.吉良潤一(編) 新興医学出版社 pp. 51-7, 2008
Young Neuroimmunologist Award:日本神経免疫学会, 2007年4月
Horiuchi I, Kawano Y, Yamasaki K, Matsuo H, Minohara M, Hashiguchi H, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Kira J: Heightened IgE response to mite antigens in inflammatory neuropathies. J Neurol Sci 166 (2): 77-80, 1999
Horiuchi I, Kawano Y, Yamasaki K, Minohara M, Furue M, Taniwaki T, Miyazaki T, Kira J: Th1 dominance in HAM/TSP and the optico-spinal form of multiple sclerosis versus Th2 dominance in mite antigen-specific IgE myelitis. J Neurol Sci 172 (1): 17-24, 2000
Fukazawa T, Yamasaki K, Ito H, Kikuchi S, Minohara M, Horiuchi I, Tsukishima E, Sasaki H, Hamada T, Nishimura Y, Tashiro K, Kira J: Both the HLA-DPB1 and –DRB1 alleles correlate with risk for multiple sclerosis in Japanese: clinical phenotypes and gender as important factors. Tissue Antigens 55 (3): 199-205, 2000
Wu XM, Osoegawa M, Yamasaki K, Kawano Y, Ochi H, Horiuchi I, Minohara M, Ohyagi Y, Yamada T, Kira J: Flow cytometric differentiation of Asian and Western types of multiple sclerosis, HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and hyperIgEaemic myelitis by analyses of memory CD4 positive T cell subsets and NK cell subsets. J Neurol Sci 177 (1): 24-31, 2000
Kira J, Horiuchi I, Suzuki J, Osoegawa M, Tobimatsu S, Murai H, Minohara M, Furuya M, Ochi H: Myelitis associated with atopic disorders in Japan: a retrospective clinical study of the past 20 years. Intern Med 40 (7): 613-9, 2001
Ochi H, Wu XM, Osoegawa M, Horiuchi I, Minohara M, Murai H, Ohyagi Y, Furuya H, Kira J: Tc1/Tc2 and Th1/Th2 balance in Asian and Western types of multiple sclerosis, HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis and hyperIgEaemic myelitis. J Neuroimmunol 119 (2): 297-305, 2001
Horiuchi I, Ochi H, Murai H, Osoegawa M, Minohara M, Furuya H, Kira J: Th2 shift in mononeuritis multiplex and increase of Th2 cells in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: an intracellular cytokine analysis. J Neurol Sci 193 (1): 49-52, 2001
Kira J, Osoegawa M, Horiuchi I, Murai H, Minohara M, Ohyagi Y, Furuya H, Tobimatsu S, Yamasaki K, Ochi H: History of alleric disorders in common neurologic disease in Japanese patients. Acta Neurol Scand 105 (3): 215-20, 2002
Ochi H, Osoegawa M, Wu XM, Minohara M, Horiuchi I, Murai H, Furuya H, Kira J: Increased IL-13 but not IL-5 production by CD4-positive T cells and CD8-positive T cells in multiple sclerosis during relapse phase. J Neurol Sci 201 (1-2): 45-51, 2002
10 Ochi H, Murai H, Osoegawa M, Minohara M, Inaba S, Kira J: Juvenile muscular atrophy of distal upper extremity associated with airway allergy: two cases successfully treated by plasma exchange. J Neurol Sci 206 (1): 109-14, 2003
11 Ochi H, Osoegawa M, Murai H, Minohara M, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Presence of IgE antibodies to bacterial superantigens and increased IL-13-producing T cells in myelitic patients with atopic diathesis. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 134 (1): 41-8, 2004
12 Osoegawa M, Niino M, Ochi H, Kikuchi S, Murai H, Fukazawa T, Minohara M, Tashiro K, Kira J: Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase gene polymorphism and its activity in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol 150 (1-2): 150-6, 2004
13 Tokunaga H, Osoegawa M, Murai H, Ochi H, Minohara M, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Anterior horn cell involvement in myelitis with atopic diathesis (atopic myelitis). Fukuoka igaku Zasshi 95 (2): 36-43, 2004
14 Ochi H, Feng-Jun M, Osoegawa M, Minohara M, Murai H, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Time-dependent cytokine deviation toward the Th2 side in Japanese multiple sclerosis patients with interferon beta-1b. J Neurol Sci 222 (1-2): 65-73, 2004
15 Murai H, Arahata H, Osoegawa M, Ochi H, Minohara M, Taniwaki T, Tobimatsu S, Mihara F, Tsuruta Y, Inaba S, Kira J: Effect of immunotherapy in myelitis with atopic diathesis. J Neurol Sci 227 (1): 39-47, 2004
16 Mei FJ, Ishizu T, Murai H, Osoegawa M, Minohara M, Zhang KN, Kira J: Th1 shift in CIDP versus Th2 shift in vasculitis neuropathy in CSF. J Neurol Sci 228 (1): 75-85, 2005
17 Osoegawa M, Ochi H, Mei FJ, Minohara M, Murai H, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Th2 shift in juvenile muscular atrophy of distal upper extremity: a combined allergological and flow cytometric analysis. J Neurol Sci 228 (1): 87-92, 2004
18 Ishizu T, Osoegawa M, Mei FJ, Kikuchi H, Tanaka M, Minohara M, Murai H, Mihara F, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Intrathecal activation of the IL-17/IL-8 axis in opticospinal multiple sclerosis. Brain 128 (PT5): 988-1002, 2005
19 Osoegawa M, Miyagishi R, Ochi H, Nakamura I, Niino M, Kikuchi S, Murai H, Fukazawa T, Minohara M, Tashiro K, Kira J: Platelet-activating factor reveptor gene polymorphism in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol 161 (1-2): 195-8, 2005
20 Yano T, Yamada K, Kimura A, Takeshita T, Minohara M, Kira J, Senju S, Nishimura Y, TaniharaH: Autoimmunity against neurofilament protein and its possible association with HLA-DRB1*1502 allele in glaucoma. Immunol Lett 100 (2): 164-9, 2005
21 Miyazaki M, Nakatsura T, Yokomine K, Senju S, Monji M, Hosaka S, Komori H, Yoshitake Y, Motomura Y, Minohara M, Kubo T, Ishihara K, Hatayama T, Ogawa M, Nishimura Y: DNA vaccination of HSP105 keads to tumor rejection of colorectal cancer and melanoma in mice through activation of both CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells. Cancer Sci 96 (10): 695-705, 2005
22 Osoegawa M, Niino M, Tanaka M, Kikuchi S, Murai H, Fukazawa T, Minohara M, Miyagishi R, Taniwaki T, Tashiro K, Kira J: Comparison of the clinical courses of the opticospinal and conventional forms of multiple sclerosis in Japan. Intern Med 44 (9): 934-8, 2005
23 Su JJ, Osoegawa M, Matsuoka T, Minohara M, Tanaka M, Ishizu T, Mihara F, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Upregulation of vascular growth factors in multiple sclerosis: correlation with MRI findings. J Neurol Sci 243 (1-2): 21-30, 2005
24 Mei FJ, Osoegawa M, Ochi H, Minohara M, Nan S, Murai H, Ishizu T, Taniwaki T, Kira J: Long-term favorable response to interferon beta-1b is linked to cytokine deviation toward the Th2 and Tc2 sides in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci 246 (1-2): 71-7, 2006
25 Tanaka M, Kikuchi H, Ishizu T, Minohara M, Osoegawa M, Motomura K, Tateishi T, Ohyagi Y, Kira J: Intrathecal upregulation of granulocyte colony stimulating factor and its neuroprotective actions on motor neuron in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 65 (8): 816-25, 2006
26 Matsuoka T, Matsushita T, Kawano Y, Osoegawa M, Ochi H, Ishizu T, Minohara M, Kikuchi H, Mihara F, Ohyagi Y, Kira J: Heterogeneity of aquaporin-4 autoimmunity and spinal cord lesions in multiple sclerosis in Japanese. Brain 130(Pt5): 1206-23, 2007
27 Yokomine K, Nakatsura T, Senju S, Nakagata N, Minohara M, Kira J, Motomura Y, Kubo T, Sasaki Y, Nishimura Y: Regression of intestinal adnomas by vaccination with heat shock protein 105-pulsed bone marrow-derived dendritic cells in Apc(Min/+) mice. Cancer Sci 98(12): 1930-5, 2007
28 Tanaka M, Matsushita T, Tateishi T, Ochi H, Kawano Y, Mei FJ, Minohara M, Murai H, Kira J: Distinct CSF cytokine/chemokine profiles in atopic myelitis and other causes of myelitis. Neurology 71(13): 974-81, 2008
29 Matsuoka T, Matsushita T, Osoegawa M, Kawano Y, Minohara M, Mihara F, Nishimura Y, Ohyagi Y, Kira J: Association of the HLA-DRB1 alleles with characteristic MRI features of Asian multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 14(9): 1181-90, 2008
30 Doi H, Matsushita T, Isobe N, Matsuoka T, Minohara M, Ochi H, Kira J: Hypercomplementemia at relapse in patients with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody. Mult Scler 15(3): 304-10, 2009
31 Matsushita T, Matsuoka T, Isobe N, Kawano Y, Minohara M, Shi N, Nishimura Y, Ochi H, Kira J: Association of the HLA-DPB1*0501 allele with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positivity in Japanese patients with idiopathic central nervous system demyelinating disorders. Tissue Antigens 73(2): 171-6, 2009
32 Yoshimura S, Ochi H, Isobe N, Matsushita T, Motomura K, Matsuoka T, Minohara M, Kira J: Altered production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by peripheral blood immune cells in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 16(10): 1178-88, 2010
33 Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Ohyagi Y, Monji A, Munetsuna S, Minohara M, Minohara K, Kira J, Kanba S, Tobimatsu S: Selective impairment of optic flow perception in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Evidence from event-related potentials. J Alzheimers Dis 28(3): 695-708, 2012